* WITH LUV' (France and Germany, Phonogram/Philips, LP, 1978):

* WITH LUV' (Spain, Phonogram/Philips, LP, 1978):

* LOTS OF LUV' (Japan, Phonogram/Philips, LP, 1979):

* GREATEST HITS (German compilation, Phonogram/Philips, LP,

* TRUE LUV' (South Africa, Carrere, LP, 1979):

* TRUE LUV' (Mexico, Discos Musart, LP, 1979):

* WITH LOVE FROM LUV' (German compilation, Carrere, LP,

* FOREVER YOURS (Japan, WEA, LP, 1980):

* MY NUMBER ONE (Germany/Switzerland, Karussell, cassette, 1981):

* MOTIVE (German compilation, Philips, LP, 1981):

* ORIGINAL TOP-HITS (German compilation,
Europa, cassette, 1981):

* YOU'RE THE GREATEST LUVer (German compilation, Mercury/PolyGram,
CD, 1998):
